Happy Heart Hub

Our Services

Happy Heart Therapy

For Individuals

Most of us are born with the innate capacity to love fully and freely. Growing up, we might have adverse childhood experiences that caused our needs unattended. Eventually, black dots of hurt slowly filled our hearts. If we ignore the existing impurity, the heart will harden and shut its doors to the people around, leaving ourselves all alone. Happiness, joy and excitement will then cease to exist. Before you slipped into the big deep dark hole, let us offer you a way out to discover how you could cope better with life challenges. As the wise saying of a prominent and renounced Transformational Therapist Virginia Satir “Problems are not the problem. Coping is the problem.” We are here to support you in the journey towards personal growth to be productive and joyful.

Happy Heart Mediation

For Couples or Families

Knowing your “love languages” (Dr Chapman 5 Love Languages) gives you the communication tool to express what's most important to meet your emotional needs and also have the insight to figure out and best meet your partner’s emotional needs.